"The Newest Addition to the Family..."

He's only 6 days old (and it'll be another five weeks before we can bring him home) but he is the newest addition to the family... we don't have a name yet but we're definitely taking suggestions... so far we've come up with Orion, Chugs (I refuse to call him Chuggie like Nicole is... LOL), Meko, Champ and Caesar... he's not supposed to get very big which is kinda ideal since we're only getting a townhouse... but once we get our own home, I'm planning to get an American bulldog...

In related news, the people we're getting this puppy from had to be some of the scariest people I've ever met in my life... LOL... like, seriously... first off, the road to get there was like one way and it was DEEEEEEEP in the woods... luckily it was still light out or I woulda been like "fuck that... the Klan probably lives down there..." then the lady that came out looked like a damn linebacker and her arms were all ate with bug bites... it was just strange... it looked like the start of some type of horror/torture film... LOL... but they were nice enough people...

Just wanted to share...



  1. OMG!!! Me and Sam were gonna get a puppy this past weekend. It was a Puggle (Pug and a Beagle) But we didnt wanna get it from a pet store cuz it woulda been $3,000. So we're going to shelters and looking now. But we were gonna name it Panini LOL.

    But I'm happy for you. Puppies are a big responsiblity and its good to see that you're both willing to take care of a living creature together. That says a lot! CONGRATS!

  2. Now that's mad ironic... LOL... ours is a half-puggle/half chihuahua (don't even ask me how that jumped off... LOL... but that's a cool name... LOL... I don't know what we're going to go with... I'm still hoping for Meko but the Missus has ultimate veto power in the naming department...
